domingo, 11 de outubro de 2015


i love when you stay by my side
even when you hate me
that's when i see how much you love me
i still can smeel your deodorant
i still can see all your clothes
taking over all my bed
i still can hear your low voice
cleaning your throaht in the morning
and the best moments i lived
were those i thought you could be with me
even when you hate me
'cause love someone
when it's all flowers is actually pretty easy
and that's why i need your skin
clinged to mine
so i can hear your breath
and hear some angry word
although you never want to talk
that's ok
i'm trying to deal with it
just stay by my side, babe
at one point
we'll be ok
and love each other
as we always are capable of
but i wish that
one day
i would not have to ask you
to stay.

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